Sunday, August 19, 2012

the countdown to the 28th

Countdown to next weekend starts now.  Family reunion of sorts to celebrate my sister's upcoming wedding, a wine day with Jarred, and then, of course, there is the ten year anniversary of my relationship with Brian.  That is most time consuming of August.  Typically, I have some sort of idea of how I would like to celebrate that momentous occasion.  This year, I am at a complete loss.
Ten years.  It's a long time.  I have so many fond memories of Brian.  I don't know how to celebrate this year. 
Do I invited someone to join me or go solo?  Should I drive to Sedona or stay in Phoenix?  Is a nice meal enough to toast him and his love of food?  It remains in the back of my mind.  I think I have distracted myself by going to Italy, impulsive trip to Denver and now Oregon, to postpone my inability to look forward to August 28th. 
Ten years.  In all honesty, I know that food will be involved and that I will honor us in a private way even if I invite someone along to celebrate with me.  I thought about asking Jan and Tom as I know they loved Brian, too.  They just don't love, love, love food the way we did.  I know that food will be involved.  Could be a food truck adventure.  It's been on my mind lately.  I could brown bag some wine, eat outside of the food court and toast Brian and his love of food.  I remember one time returning to our apartment and being hungry.  I insisted that we should go out to eat since we didn't have food in the house.  Brian looked in the fridge and our cupboards and found pasta, onions and potatoes.  He refused to go out to eat since he could make us something from those ingredients.  He was raised on hot dish--I think, is what he told me.
I could make dinner and buy a lovely bottle of wine.   That is a true option as well.  Wouldn't that be the most intimate way of celebrating?  I mean, Brian lavished me with food and taught me to enjoy it.  I have a whole new respect for homemade meals.  Maybe that should be the way I celebrate this year.
The first year of solo celebrating, I flew to Phoenix and went skydiving.  Awesome adventure, for sure.  After that, there was a meal at the French Laundry, Tru, in Chicago, Mistral in Boston and last year, I went to Sedona with friends.  There have been remarkable meals, wine and conversations for sure.  The meal in Chicago was memorable.  I made reservations for a solo meal and ended up dining with a 19-yr-old kid that was interning in their kitchen.  Felt like Mrs. Robinson (theorhetically, only).  Fun times, indeed.
This year will be special even if it is food truck friendly.  I feel a bottle of wine and cooking at home inviting.  I do have a few days to reconsider still and of course, the weekend in Oregon.  Maybe I will buy some wine off of Jarred to celebrate for that momentous occasion.  More and more I realize that I attract certain people to my life to improve it, for sure.  I see a wine class in my future due to my association with the current wine rep that occupies some of my time.  Last night, I was supposed to treat him to a meal due to his help with some training at work and he invited one of his friends along.  Instead of my treat, we went dutch, the three of us.  It worked and I was moderately entertained with people watching and stories from their friendship.
I digress.  I do have time to reflect on how to celebrate.  The one certainty is there will be wine and a toast to Brian.  What an incredible man~

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