Monday, September 6, 2010

Park to Park

Last year, while with Team in Training, they mentioned the Park to Park 10 mile race.
I skipped it. I had run the Georgetown-Idaho Springs 1/2 and felt good about my training. Seriously. I signed up with TNT to do a 1/2 and opted to do the Denver Full Marathon since I liked my training partners. I don't regret it.
I think of that decision to do the full and consider a few things....1) I was a new runner. I shouldn't beat myself up for not finishing where I thought I should. I finished and had only been running for 5 months. Mission Accomplished.
2) There are other opportunities to rectify the situation---more training/Las Vegas 2010--I am in!
3) TNT provided the possibility to run. However, they made me a lazy runner. No challenge on my distance. Timing was essential. In all honesty, I work on my feet...I do not need to meet for a Saturday run to "just be on my feet". I can accomplish that on my own time.
4) Park to Park has an awesome expo--Naked granola, other running groups--women only, runner's roost, runner's edge, bananas, powerade, breakfast burritos, blah, blah, blah.....loved the expo.
5) Running with Sara Jo was different. Sara is a determined person.
We took the bus to the race and arrived perfectly. Porta Potty stop and walked to the start. The first mile was conservative and I was chatty. I wanted to control the pace--10 minutes 20 seconds.
Mile Two was quicker. Still talking and involved with City Park--19:45.
Mile 3 was engaged with City Park and avoiding these two guys that had cut me off while taking a corner. I sensed that Sara wanted to be serious about the race. I felt her out.
Mile 4, we separated. We had discussed where to meet if this happened, but I felt that we would stay together. I wasn't interested in racing. I wanted her to see the environment of a race.
Mile 5-6, I felt great--good pace, good music, good feel.
Stopped in Cheesman to assess where Sara was at---saw her, tied my drawstrings and headed out.
Kept going and felt strong. Seriously. Never before had I kept up this pace.
Hit Alamo Placita Park and stopped at aid station to see where Sara was....knew that I only had two miles to go.
Still strong.
Every mile, there were mile markers with people quoting the time. I knew that I was doing well. Really well.
Mile 9, hitting my stride/nemesis of Wash Park, I kept thinking--it's only a mile.
How long is this?
Where does it end?
I crossed the line and felt fantastic. I waited there for Sara. I knew that she wasn't far from me and felt that was the place to find her.
It was awesome. She did so well. She kept me strong and consistent. Ironically, I ran into a girl that I ran with the other day, at mile 7. This girl told me--you have a great pace....I kept going. I looked at her and realized that I had more. A lot more. I wasn't giving it all I had. When, I crossed the finish line, I felt the same. I finished. I felt strong, but I could have done more.
Las Vegas is right around the corner. I feel trimphant and able in my training.
And, I feel like a teacher or guide to Sara. A new role and I like it. It engages me and keeps me going. I love running with the Goddess, but feel that I met her when I was starting out and needed a mentor. Someone that woudn't judge me for being a rookie.
Running with Sara is new, too. I like it. It is challenging.
Regardless, Park to Park was amazing. 10 Miles achieved and illustrates that I am able. I am capable. I will do the Las Vegas Marathon....

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