Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Last weekend

Reunited with friends from college.  Awesome.  Jean was awesome and drove down from Seattle to pick me up from Portland and drive me to Eugene.  It was a whirlwind of activity.  So many people in town to celebrate Mackenzie's graduation.  I was fortunate to see her for her open house. 
I remember being that age and wanting to be free.  My mom hosted my party and some of my friends stopped by along with family.  At the end of it, I flitted from party to party to see friends and dreamed of when the summer would end and I could move to college.  Such a glorious time.
I get it, I do.  I only wish I had been able to carve out a little more time with Mackenzie before heading back to Denver.  I suppose there is always next time.  Yesterday, I spent the majority of the day traveling back to Denver and experiencing delay after delay til I arrive in Denver and the light rail is not working.  So frustrating!  I waited with Maghan til he got off work as he had had my car.  Had I known that he would arrange an uber from park and ride I would have left an hour before we left.  Yet another irritation that I would have liked to avoid.
I am back and heading to work in a few hours.  Back to thrive, create a niche and be happy.  I will reflect more on my trip to Oregon when I have time.  It was amazing to see all of my sisters, parents and friends.

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