Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the driving range...

I sure have been productive on my days off...yesterday, I went to City Park and hit a bucket of golf balls. Jimmy, my golf mentor, was supportive as ever and patient. I like the 8 iron and the 5 was more challenging. I realized that when I don't think about it, I have a nice shot. I think golf is my new hobby.
We went to Cheelo's for breakfast and then I washed my car. It was so dirty and had ample bird shit on the wind shield. I cannot believe that I let it go so long. I went to the bank, deposited my rent check and then headed to yoga. I have been a sloth in that regard lately. I think I missed a complete month due to the spider bite/staph infection bs. I am recovered now and so I need to make more of an effort to complete the classes and prepare for the teacher training in the fall.
Last night, I went to the ball game with Jimmy, Milky and Mikey Carroll. I took the bull tickets from Erik and invited his friends to join me since I was able to get the 2 additional tickets from Sharkey. The game started out well, we were winning and it was a packed stadium which was surprising considering we were playing the Padres. The game did not end well and so we relocated to the Falling Rock before heading to Mezcal to celebrate Briselda's birthday. We went there and had a shot of tequila, which I rarely ever do shots for the simple reason of I don't like them. It was her birthday and so I obliged.
Overall, it was a great day and now I am waiting for my land lord to come over and assess the damages created by his previous tenants. I am hoping that he will clean the carpets too, to get rid of the dalmation smell.
I hope you all have a wonderful, prodcutive day. The last few days have been about reconnecting with people from my past. Michaela's first boyfriend, Don, e-mailed me and a girl I met in Adelaide, Australia, invited me to her 70's party since she just moved to Boulder. The world gets smaller...I welcome that and hope to reconnect with more people.

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