Friday, May 8, 2015

days off and what to do today

Initially, I was scheduled to work today and tomorrow day.  For the season, they want to have a bartender available, daily.  It does make sense as the majority of servers do not know how to make our cocktail list.  Leading to a very inconsistent experience for the guest.  I do understand as there has not been time for the servers to be shown how to make the cocktails or how they should taste.  I agreed to being the day girl on Friday and Saturday days.
On Wednesday, I was called and informed that they would not need me on Friday day.  And to be patient.  That soon, this would change. 
In many ways, I was thankful for another day off and that they contacted me a few days out.  However, had I not been scheduled, I would have made plans to drive to Denver this week instead of attempting to make it a turnaround trip next week.  I am committed to making that happen.  Drive up midweek and be back to work at 10:30, Friday morning.  Quick, quick trip.  I reached out to Sara Jo and the Goddess to see if they were available and in town.  Still working on that.  I believe I will be able to stay with Lindsay and tour the city. 
In the meantime (my last few days off), I went to a few yoga classes, saw some friends for lunch, sent cards and in general, relaxed.  Soaking at Ojo will definitely fast forward that principle.  Relaxation.  I arranged dates with friends that I have not seen in a bit.  I enjoy reaching out and making this happen on a more frequent basis.
Today, I have plans to do yoga at my house and then meet Melody for lunch.  We are meeting earlier than we normally do and so my yoga class options are limited.  Typically, I would attend a noon class and then begin my day.  I want to see Melody and I need to be getting more familiar with the ashtanga sequence and names of the poses.  Midway through my intensive week, I realized that I had maybe attended 10 ashtanga classes.  Mentally, I was beating myself up that I didn't know the sequence while in class with these other teacher trainees.  And that the names of the postures confused me.  Of course they did.  I had not attended enough of these classes to have everything stick.  Sure, I am familiar with sun salutation A and B.  I know what a warrior one is, too. I can participate in these classes and get by.  However, my level of mastery is quite low.  Recognizing this has helped me immensely.  I am committed to practicing ashtanga in Santa Fe in the meantime.  Thankfully, I found an instructor that teaches and that I like.  It's challenging to improve the yoga sequence when there are limited available access to classes and/or teachers.  The majority of yoga, here, is not what I am looking for.  Slowly, I am finding a way to maneuver here and be successful.  Yes, things are looking up.
Lunch with Melody, ashtanga, and happy hour with my friend, Lawrence.  I will meet him for a quick beverage and catch up.  He and his wife had a little girl recently.  I have seen photos and she is adorable. 
Hopefully, I can walk through the farmer's market tomorrow and stock up on more veggies.  It's a recent find in Santa Fe for me and I am loving it.  Having access to fresh produce and seeing how it drives the community.  The difference in quality is remarkable.  Only takes planning to ensure commitment to it.  Of course, it is much easier to rely on convenience.  Shopping at a market and purchasing conventional or organic vegetables on a daily basis.  I forget to factor in the cost of shipping the produce to said markets.  Buying out of season, etc.  Yes, I will be frequenting the farmer's market on a weekly basis.  I am loving it!
Onward and upward.  Time for yoga and a start to the day.  Celebrate, enjoy & taste life~

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