Saturday, May 30, 2015

How I am spending this Saturday

Working days gives me too much time to be distracted by wine.  Terrible issue, I know.  I love wine.  Talking about it.  Drinking it.  Pairing it with food.  Sharing experiences with friends.  There are times when it is in my best interest to take a day off.  I am forcing myself to take a day off today.  Easily, I could have relaxed for happy hour with one of my friends or some of the tourists thriving here.   The city has a different vibe.  Lots of energy and possibility.  I love it!
Still, I wanted a day off.  I would not be tempted to dine out again either.  I have produce from the farmer's market and a lovely table to dine at in my home.  I found arugula that is peppery and divine, green onions that are delicious and radishes.  Desperately, I wanted tomatoes and cucumbers that I found at the Saturday market.  On Tuesday, there are not as many local farmers as of yet.  I think as the season continues, this will change.  I stopped by TJ's to find cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms.  Perfect ingredients for a salad.  I had every item I needed to create a lovely meal at my house without wine. 
At work, earlier, there was not an opportunity or reason to sample a glass of wine or new liquer.  Lately, I have been trying out tequilas, mezcals, bourbons, sauternes and amaro nonino (love this stuff).  In my current job, I am asked, frequently, what spirits taste like.  I feel it is better to be honest, always.  Meaning if I have not tried something, I don't lie about it.  However, this is a disadvantage too.  I do have the opportunity to sample the spirit and/or wine which makes for a better experience for the guest.  I love nonino and understand why people choose to begin and end their meal with it.  Smooth, sippy, incredible.  I love it!
Or, limoncello to conclude a meal.  A few years ago, one of my co-workers and his girlfriend made me homemade limoncello for Christmas.  Such a nice gift and gesture.  Typically, I end a meal with another glass of wine or an Americano.  I do love espresso.
So, I have been more mindful of spirits that I tend to overlook or rarely try.  I am not a huge scotch aficionado.  Or tequila.  Yet, in the last four months, I have been more interested in these spirits and how they enhance a meal.  Mezcal, for example, is underutilized is what I now believe.  It's delicious.  Smoky, crude, powerful.  I like a mezcal margarita.  Yesterday, tried the royal tokaji that we offer to customers.  Just makes me more knowledgeable and capable in creating a memorable dining experience.  Of course, I can talk through the wine as I am most confident in that arena. 
I opted to not try anything today and hope for a pure night of sleep.  I am overdue.  I have been waking up at 4 or 4:30 on a fairly regular basis.  Unable to return to sleep, I stream shows on my laptop and fall back asleep around 6:30 or 7.  It is throwing off my ability to go to yoga or walk around the farmer's market.  That is more of what happened this morning.  I woke up late and reconsidered the market.  I still have ample produce to eat before buying more.  I hope that on Tuesday, I will find tomatoes and cucumbers.  I enjoy a green salad with onion, cucumber and tomatoes. 
I am hoping to frequent the market all summer. I want to support local farmers.  It does make a difference.  In addition the freshness of the produce is amazing when it is local.  There is no comparison to what I can find there or a supermarket.  I have not enjoyed arugula this flavorful ever in my life.  Absolutely incredibly full of pepper and flavor.
I finished my book about an immigrant girl in NYC and working with her mother in a factory.  I enjoyed most of the book but felt unfulfilled by the ending.  The narrator was a gifted girl who was able to receive several scholarships to private schools.  She went to school and worked alongside her mom in their uncle's factory to repay the debt of the expense of him flying them to the States.  Basically, the girl went to school and worked.  No fun was experienced by her as she was ashamed by their meager apartment and unable to pay for any extras.  Family obligation dictated that she excel in school and work with her mother.  Eventually, she finds friendship with one of the other factory kids who she grew up working with.  Of course, they cannot just fall into a relationship.  She has school and his mom is ill.  There is some chemistry and attraction and finally they choose to see where a relationship can lead them.  She is accepted to an Ivy League university and is insistent on going.  She wants to take the guy with her and he is resistant.  He wants to take care of her.  An impasse ensues.  Meanwhile she finds out she is pregnant. 
Traumatized by what led them to this point and terrified that she won't make it through school.  It fast forwards to 12 years later where they are apart and you are led to believe she terminated the pregnancy.  She finds her love involved with another woman.  Her and the man meet to have their goodbye.  Her last image of him is him kissing his pregnant wife.  She returns to her home and greets her 11 yr old son.  The end.
I liked the story until that point.  Just ended and in such a flat way.  The rest of the book was enticing and insightful.  Obligation, strife, struggle, true friendship and camaraderie.  Concludes in a very unsettling way.
Tomorrow, I hope to attend a heated yoga class.  Eat more salad and then work.  Probably revisit wine and/or nonino.  I am enjoying my newfound love of spirits.  Enjoy your night.  Cheers!

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