Saturday, January 3, 2009

2000 Twomey Merlot

On New Year's Day, I had a wonderful evening with my aunt, Bryn. We had a nice meal at Elway's and afterwards, I decided to toast 2009 on my own.
When I lived with Brian, we began a wine collection. I have added to it and initially felt guilty about drinking bottles of wine that were ours. I realized that it was foolish since the wine was turning.
Anyways, on New Year's Day, I opened a bottle of wine that Brian had received from my friend, Paul, at Paul's wedding. I met Paul while living in Phoenix and although we were only acquaintances, we both ended up in Denver and eventually, I was living on his couch with Vegas and Dave, and one of his employees at Whirled Peas. He also was the one who convinced Brian that he should ask me out. I will always be grateful to Paul for that.
I felt it was fitting to begin 2009 with this bottle and it was spectacular. Of course, I am back on the wagon until February, but I have fond memories of the Merlot, how it became my possession and again, a beautiful memory of my life with Brian.
Thank you for listening and enjoy your day.

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