Friday, January 15, 2010

Affirmation of the Day....

Love yourself. Make yourself a priority and live in the Now...
I follow several blogs that have a Grateful Posting of some sort on a weekly basis. I have been considering this, too, but, realize that I prefer the term affirmation over grateful.
I remember, being in high school, and taking P.A.L.S.--Peer Assisted Learning--and my teacher, kooky as all get-out, was motivational and endearing. She always pronounced, Target, like Tar-geh. It drove me batty. Again, I think that was a term, she used.
Mrs. Trickle encouraged us to be kind to our peers. We had to do affirmations for ourselves and share affirmations with others. At the time, it was challenging. I mean, you don't want to appear too lovely with your classmates. Now, with all of the "Mean Girls" in high school, I am sure that there are fewer and fewer affirmations occuring.
I guess I am trying to incorporate that into my life.
Being happy with myself and thankful for my life on a daily basis.
Today, I am happy to be living in the now. I definitely make myself a priority with food, travel and wine. I still need to plan out 2010, but I have two trips, in the making---Santa Fe and Seattle. It is a solid foundation to begin with.
I have a lot to be thankful for. I love my rental. I live in the metro area, which I wanted. I have a job. I have opportunity to travel and give back. Right now, is a time to give back. I look Haiti and the aftermath. Doesn't it inspire you to consider your own happiness/gratitude as well of ways that you could give back to the community? There are many charities associated with the Haitian Aid. I saw the Brangelina gave 1 million dollars to the efforts. Instead of seeing the good that they are able to provide, people criticize them. They suggest that this is a publicity stunt. Really? How so? Yes, I am familiar with the whole hook-up between this notorious pair, but thay have always given back to the community--Stateside and abroad. They have adopted kids, done humanitarian aid and continue to use their wealth to give back in whatever fashion they deem useful. Why is that bad? At least they are giving something, unlike many people that will not. People that are able to give, something--anything helps, but still will not help.
But, back to the Affirmation--Live in the Now. Make yourself a priority. Do something, even small, in some way, that puts on the emphasis on you and your needs.
Enjoy. I will.

1 comment:

Jen Feeny said...

I like it! Go with it! Have a great weekend girl! Enjoy every moment of it and be thankful you have those moments to enjoy!