Thursday, December 2, 2010

Productive day

Somewhat productive day.
I woke up, late, due to an outing with Jenn. She continues to be a bad influence, but in a good way. We sort of egg each other on.
My intention was to meet her for one glass of wine. One glass of wine led to another, and another and a stop at Elway's. It is never difficult to talk me into a glass of wine there.
She had to attend a healthy lifestyle seminar and since I was with her, I also had the privilege of listening in. I found some of the information interesting, and some redundant. We attended the meeting at Izaka Sushi.
My idea to not drink until Saturday diminished yesterday. It happened and today, I woke up hungover.
Anyways, I did have a productive day. I bought new running socks and a few food items for the marathon. I had sports beans and honey, but I wanted to make sure that I had more food to work with.
I stopped at Target to stock up on G2. I live on a diet of red wine, coffee and G2. If you see my recycling, you will understand my need for G2.
After the shopping, I napped. I am trying to rest.
I met the Goddess for my final run of the training cycle. It was great. I felt strong, capable and of course, I love running with Lindsay. We always have interesting conversations. She is taking me to the airport on Saturday to see me off.
Post final run, I had scheduled a massage. Perhaps it would have been preferable to do the massage earlier in the week, but I felt that I could handle the massage tonight. Plus, my favorite therapist was available tonight. He runs and so I know that he understands my aches/pains. I told him to take it easy on me. He did.
Now, I am considering and reconsidering what to take to Vegas. I figure I can pack and unpack and repack until Saturday morning. I think I want to take too many things. I mean, I have definite needs associated with the marathon. Visor, shoes, water bottle, magenta sports bra, socks, ipod/charger, etc. And, boots, heels, dress, skirt, recovery clothes....yes, I have many things to bring to Vegas.
I consider the food that I will ingest pre-race. I want mexican food, everyday, but know that I need to limit it for the event. I am trying to hydrate and carb load and enjoy the food I eat. I enjoy the experience of food.
I am overanalyzing everything right now. I just need to relax....

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