Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My (un)love affair with squirrels.....

Today, while running, I contemplated my bizarre dream last night and what squirrels represent, if anything, in the animal totem?
I know this sounds strange, but I know that spiders represent creativity. I found this out by getting bit by one. This incident led to many visits to the western doctor after months of trying to self-medicate. Sometimes going to the Dr. is necessary.
I digress.
That is a completely separate story. I will return to squirrels. I want to believe that at a young age, I knew they were rodents with tails. Basically, I find them to be dirty, overpopulating the metro area and a hazard on the street.
Yes, I have run one over. While riding my bike. Traumatized. Thankfully, it didn't die, but I did almost fall off of the bike. I am super aware of squirrels while cycling.
I think they became more visible in my life over the last 4 years. What do they signify? Are they important enough to function in the animal totem?
I work with this nice lady that wears a squirrel necklace. I do not understand how some people find them cute. My dad walks on the weekends and always brings peanuts for squirrels. I love my dad and believe him to be an intelligent man. I do not understand why he feels it necessary to feed these animals.
Last October, he and his wife visited me in Denver. My old rental (the Slumlord's house) had several little visitors. I could not get rid of the squirrel factor. I think it is because I lived in a rental and my neighbors were renters that refused to take out the trash. I know that sounds somewhat naive, but seriously, on several occasions, I would take their trash since I got tired of seeing it and dealing with the squirrels.
Megan, my downstairs neighbor told me that there had been hippies renting the next door house who, although were super friendly/cool, never took the trash out. Megan illustrated her issues with the squirrels by demonstrating one gnawing on a piece of leftover pizza. Those were the days...
So, my dad visits, knows that I abhor squirrels and planned on feeding my friends until he saw how aggressive they were. One squirrel ate a hole in my screen so that it would have free access to my interior. Again, they are pesty little creatures.
On another occasion, my sister was visiting me in Denver. I was driving north on Clarkson, which is a one way street in the metro area, tree-lined and heading into Capital Hill. This woman runs out in front of my car and screams---WATCH OUT FOR THE SQUIRREL...Michaela almost had a heart attack. She yelled out my car and told the woman to F*&K OFF. Michaela was so mad. She kept saying---it was just a squirrel and you almost wrecked your car because of that nut case.
I wanted to show you my love affair with the squirrel before talking about my dream. I woke up this morning and remembered most of it. I was at work and one of my ex boyfriends was in there. He wasn't sitting at the bar, which was typically where enjoyed his adult beverages. I spilled salad dressing on his keys and he said--I am with her, now, and thought you should know. He was dating this woman that is completely not his type. She is an airhead and he is super witty/sardonic/sarcastic to a fault. I walked away from him, but it wasn't with sadness or anger. I just walked away from him.
Then, I end up at his house with Sara Jo and the Goddess. Lindsay had wrecked her car and we entered his house because we were there. I haven't figured out why locations flipped, but they did.
He came in, told me I was welcome to come over whenever I wanted, but since there were so many cars in front of his house, he thought I was being inappropriate.
I found crayon drawings that his kids drew for him and then there was a stack for me, too. It had my last name on them. It was weird.
I walked outside, confused, and got attacked my a squirrel.
I wake up.
Are you kidding? What does that mean?
I tell Sara the dream and the squirrel factor. She, too, is not a fan of squirrels. Before I went for my run, I ran into Sara and her friend, Chris. I mentioned the squirrel dream and he goes--oh, I wanted to put a granola bar in Sara's window for the squirrel. I said, NO...they are awful. I told him about the one that ate through my screen. I think I have him convinced to let them fend for themselves.
Mid-way through my run and I encounter, a squirrel. I ran past it, confident that I wouldn't be attacked, but the thought did cross my mind. Very bizarre.

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