Tuesday, February 12, 2008

what happened???

I looked online and know that KU lost to Texas....i am very sad. I haven´t seen one game. I made a mistake though. I e-mailed my friend, Alan Black (GQ on my photo spread)about the upcoming match. He and his brothers are avid UT fans and normally if i were in the States, he would call and laugh about the outcome of the game. I shouldn´t have e-mailed him...dammit!
I will do the best of later since I can tell that people are hovering in the computer. I really despise people that hover and ask--when will you be done? I don´t know.
Plus, I need food and coffee. I am tired of the croissants they serve at this hostel. I need some yogurt with fruit or something spicy with tomatoes. Basically, I either need a health food restaurant or a Mexican establishment. Where are all the mexican restaurants???


seblack69 said...

Yep, You saw right. You guys came into Austin and lost. It was a good game, but none of that matters until March Madness! You better be back for that!

harmony said...

i am so ready to return after my flight to CHile and now arriving here. I had to spend $131 to enter this country. I have heard of departure tax and normally, maybe $35, to me, it seemed a like to spend to be given access to the country.
Plus, I miss basketball........